Veterinary officers in Kiamvu County have unearthed what will get most chicken lovers by shock. According to the officers,farmers are using ARVs to fatten the chickens. The Standard
“We have reliably established from our clients around Thika and Murang’a that commercial
broiler farmers are adding ARVs to broiler feed to enhance weight gain and are able to sell off
birds at four weeks,” discloses Dr Elloy Otieno to The Standard
The veterinarians partly attribute the use of ARVs to “fatten chicken” to sheer ignorance.
The notion that chicken will fatten after being fed on ARVs, as is often the case with humans,
is a pointer that the farmers are merely transferring observations made with the humans in an attempt to boost the productivity in the chicken.
Most of the chicken consumed in Nairobi are largely supplied from these farmers nearly 80% so in essence if you have consumed chicken in Nairobi the chances are you have ARVs in your system.
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