Sunday, 3 November 2013

Blogger Grabs And Squeezes A Female Celebrity's Booty

 Bloggers can at times be crazy but a Ghanaian blogger has taken it to a whole new level
Popular Actress, Juliet Ibrahim has been blogged in Ghana to be wearing wears boóty
pads giving her a bigger junky bottom.
With the rumours propelling around,a popular blogger took the matter to his hands and personally squeezed the controversial boóty to confirm if she was wearing a pad or it was just natural.
That's confirmation on another level,talking of which I should be confirming Vera Sidika's and close the debate don't you think.
Meanwhile its at such rare moments one gets to enjoy his blogging moments look at his face,priceless.

JOHNSON MWAKAZI Unusual Presentation Leaves Many Doubts On His Sobriety

The royal voice as he is known has an outstanding voice that has been envy of many and has seen him bag great narration/voice over deals. He has the most powerful voice in Kenya TV currently.
On Friday night during the season finale of Slim Possible where Norah Odundo walked out with the sh.1m grand prize,Mwakazi did the outro on the show that was hosted by colleague Lilian Muli which left many puzzled.
His delivery was extraordinaire,the voice amazingly up the roof,he was somewhere above Matsanga's. This wasn't the normal Mwakazi he acted and sounded hyper with many people guessing that he might have been on a "top secret" stuff to make him act in that manner.
Mwakazi has been known for other "handy" addiction which he reformed from but what viewers watched him stage has never been witnessed before.
Could he have been under influence of any substance if so which or it was just normal and merely charged by the crowd? NE wonders.....

Two of KU female students are currently fighting for their lives at Kenyatta National Hospital

Two of KU female students are currently fighting for their lives at Kenyatta National Hospital after being thrown out of a moving bus by matatu touts. According to a witness,the bus plate numbered KBV 026A and named Mayhem nearly crashed the students' to death. Its said they didn't agree on the fare rate with the "dondas" and were pushed away just near to the gate while the bus was moving. Worse,they didn't bother to stop and help the injured girls but instead sped off leaving the students in the injured state. The ruthlessness on the route 45 according to informant is rampant with touts harassing commuters largely KU students. Hopefully the injured recover from the Friday's tragedy.

Gor Mahia's Grand Entrance To Kasarani And The Disagreement On Men's Dressing Code

Already it has been established that Gor Mahia players will make a grand entrance with a fleet of stretch limousines which shall be ferrying the players from Serena Hotel to Kasarani stadium where the trophy handing over ceremony shall take place. The convoy will make an entrance to the stadium led by Raila Odinga who is the club's patron,they'll do a guard of honour driving around the pitch saluting the fans. The stadium is expected to register the highest crowd population in Kenya history with over 50k enthusiasts expected to attend from all over the world according to Jarunda an influential supporter,"we can confirm that over 100 buses from Kisumu shall be arriving any time from now,fans from diaspora as well have confirmed and expected anytime at the airport" said Jarunda. However all is not rosy
Dress code for men on the official day has divided the fans in the middle with some routing for an all suit code and others going for a casual Jersey look. According to Ben Aguda,also an influential figure and office contender in the forthcoming elections,the function is so dear to the club and that should be celebrated in style,full suit.

Raila Odinga who is the club patron for Gor Mahia has opted to keep off

Raila Odinga who is the club patron for Gor Mahia has opted to keep off from the Sunday's highly charged day when the club shall be receiving the KPL trophy.
According to sources Raila travelled to his rural home in Bondo where he'll spend the weekend and follow the ceremony on TV.
This is after Uhuru Kenyatta confirmed his attendance for the highly anticipated trophy day.
Because of the high temperatures and political rivalry between the two,Raila has opted to steer away from the match smelling a probable dirty scenario should he also be in attendance.
He henceforth,paves way and let Uhuru run the show as confidants say that he respects Uhuru as the president.
He pledges with Gor Fans to act with great mannerism and show respect to the president knowing well the "bitterness" within. Most of Gor fans we contacted weren't happy with Raila's decision to skip the celebrations since they'd have loved to celebrate with him but at the same time welcome the news of Uhuru's attendance.

Farmers Supplying Chicken To Nairobi Using ARVs To Fatten The Broilers

Veterinary officers in Kiamvu County have unearthed what will get most chicken lovers by shock. According to the officers,farmers are using ARVs to fatten the chickens. The Standard
“We have reliably established from our clients around Thika and Murang’a that commercial
broiler farmers are adding ARVs to broiler feed to enhance weight gain and are able to sell off
birds at four weeks,” discloses Dr Elloy Otieno to The Standard

The veterinarians partly attribute the use of ARVs to “fatten chicken” to sheer ignorance.
The notion that chicken will fatten after being fed on ARVs, as is often the case with humans,
is a pointer that the farmers are merely transferring observations made with the humans in an attempt to boost the productivity in the chicken.

Most of the chicken consumed in Nairobi are largely supplied from these farmers nearly 80% so in essence if you have consumed chicken in Nairobi the chances are you have ARVs in your system.

Sonko Kufika mbele ya kamati za uchunguzi ya Westgate

Seneta wa Kaunti ya Nairobi, Mike Mbuvi

Seneta wa Kaunti ya Nairobi Mike Mbuvi ''Sonko''anatarajiwa kufika mbele ya kamati za bunge, zinazochunguza shambulizi la Westgate.

Sonko anatazamiwa kuhojiwa kuhusu madai yake kwamba idara ya usalama imezembea katika kazi yake. Kamati ya Bunge Kuhusu Utawala na Usalama wa Taifa na ile kuhusu Ulinzi na Mashauri ya Nchi za Nje, zinatarajiwa kuanza kupokea maoni kutoka kwa wananchi Jumatatu wiki ijayo. Mwenyekiti wa kamati ya Utawala na usalama Asman Kamama amesema tayari wakenya watatu wameziambia kamati hizo kwamba wako tayari kutoa maoni.

Kamama amesema kamati hizo pia zitafanya uchunguzi kuhusu madai ya maafisa wa usalama kutekeleza wizi katika Jumba la Westgate wakati wa shughuli ya uokoaji. Amesema wale watakaopatikana na hatia watachukuliwa hatua kwa mujib wa sheria.

Mwenyekiti huyo ameeleza kuwa hatua ya rais kutangaza kubuniwa kwa kamati itakayochunguza shambulizi la Westgate haitaathiri uchunguzi wao.

Kando na hayo amesema watatembelea kambi za wakimbizi katika maeneo ya Mandera, Garrisa, na Mombasa, ambako mashambulizi ya kigaidi yamekuwa yakitekelezwa katika siku za hivi karibuni.

William Ruto defence links Kibaki to chaos

Former President Mwai Kibaki
                                                                        Former President Mwai Kibaki
Deputy President William Ruto has opened fire on former President Kibaki over the horrific 2008 post-election violence as he fights to defend himself at The Hague.

Ruto now seems to be shifting from  former Prime Minister Raila Odinga as the architect of his woes in his new legal strategy.
Observers of the International Criminal Court are unanimous that unlike the pre-trial hearings when Ruto largely questioned why the prosecution picked on him and not Raila who led the ODM brigade, this time, he has trained his guns on Kibaki and his former allies. “It is indeed true that Ruto’s strategy has changed,” noted Donald Rabala, Senior Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.
“The reason is that he has since realised that the only defence plausible for him right now is to state the facts as they happened,” he said.
On Thursday, Ruto’s defence lawyers tore into the character of Kibaki as they rebutted the testimony of the sixth prosecution witness insisting that he openly rigged the 2007 presidential polls.
Ruto’s lawyer David Hooper, painted the picture of the retired president as a dishonest man who planted the seed of tribalism in Government and watered it with corruption.
Plotted to rig
“As the election came closer, was it right that there was apprehension that Kibaki would not deal fairly and squarely with the election process,” asked Hooper and the witness, the first Kalenjin, agreed.
The British lawyer maintained that Kibaki plotted to influence the poll outcome by single-handedly appointing 19 out of 22 Commissioner to the defunct Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK).
He said that even the late ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuitu expressed his reservation with 9 of the commissioners ahead of the polls and called them ‘riggers.’
Hooper even claimed that on the night of December 30th, 2007, unknown people broke into the presidential tallying centre at Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi. “I understand that on the night of the election on December 30th, 2007, some people broke into the tallying centre. Did you come to hear about that? asked Hooper

Witness: No.
Mr Hooper: For the ordinary Kenyan seated at home, would you agree that there would be sufficient evidence that the elections had been stolen?

 Witness: Yes
 The European Union, the USA, the United Kingdom and Kenyan observers were dissatisfied with the way the elections had been conducted. Would that be fair to say?
 Witness: Seemingly.
Njahira Gitahi of Strathmore Law School says that Ruto is fighting for his life and would undoubtedly leave no stone unturned in his quest to be vindicated of the serious charges.
“It is said that a dying man will clutch at a straw. This is not to say that Ruto is already losing his case, but is instead trying to exploit all avenues to shift the blame away from him,” she told The Standard on Sunday. “His counsel might be employing this tactic due to a lack of options. Perhaps, being unable to prove why Ruto is not guilty, they intend instead to prove why other people are more guilty than Ruto is,” says Gitahi.
Her sentiments are echoed by Rabala who says that Ruto is compelled to “put the blame where he thinks it belongs because its now about self preservation and securing his freedom and clearing his name.”
After he was committed to full trial, Ruto fired some of his lawyers including Kenyan Attorney Kioko Kilukumi and adopted nearly the entire defence team of former Civil Service Chief Francis Muthaura.
During the explosive and tense cross-examination Thursday, Hooper maintained that Kibaki betrayed the hopes and aspirations of a better future Kenyans had in the Narc Government after his overwhelming victory in 2002.
He pointed at Kibaki’s failure to honour his memorandum of understanding with Raila, failure to deliver a new Constitution in 100 days and an alleged failure to ‘de-ethnicise’ the civil service and weed out corruption. “By 2007, there was a perception that he had created an over powerful presidency, a regime that had a criminal element. Would you agree? posed Hooper and to which the witness said yes.
The Queens counsel claimed that after Kibaki took over power in 2002, he sacked many senior Kalenjins in the civil service, in the military and in the police 
Quoting from an excerpt of the Waki Commission report on inquiry into post-election violence, Hooper said Kibaki’s administration retreated into an ‘ethnic enclave’.
 He singled out the Anglo leasing scandal and the cocaine haul as evidence that Kibaki had failed to tackle corruption.

But this was not the first time Ruto is blaming Kibaki for his tribulations since his trial opened at The Hague on November 10.

Criticism Over Turkana County Demonstration

Kenya: Ever since residents of Turkana County held demonstrations over alleged discrimination in hiring of workers at the Tullow Oil wells, many Kenyans have come out to criticise them and give them all sorts of bad names.
However, before we throw stones at them for being ‘uncivilised’, we need to put ourselves in their shoes for a moment. Here, we are talking of a community that has been marginalised since independence and when they thought, at last, God has remembered them, the ugly head of ‘bad leadership’ creeps in to spoil their party. These residents are genuinely bitter.

We must agree oil discovery in Turkana came as a good surprise. However, going by the complaints raised, Tullow Oil Company, an investor drilling the Turkana’s ‘black gold’, started on a rather wrong footing when it took community engagement as a box-ticking exercise. A rather loud arrogance and a don’t care attitude became morepronounced every time Tullow officials met with the community representatives for round tables. It is also claimed, at some point, they indicated they were receiving orders from ‘above’!
If the claims are true, Tullow’s approach is an indicator the community interests could not be accommodated.
No one should think I am advocating for violence, but there are deep-seated problems in this engagement that the government and state security agencies as well as Tullow cannot afford ignore.

We watched on TV as residents of Turkana, armed with crude weapons, demonstrated and threaten people’s lives over alleged discrimination in hiring at the Tullow oil wells in their backyard.
What interested me most was a question by one of the protesters who wondered why “even cleaning jobs were being given to foreigners”. I was hard pressed to imagine there were Ghanaians or Norwegians coming to Kenya to do cleaning or tea-girl jobs in Turkana. I later realised it was not foreigners as I thought, but ‘foreigners from within.
However, the ‘hard working and highly-educated’ Turkana youth holding bows and arrows should not have been allowed to scare Tullow staff to a point that the drilling had to be temporarily halted and expatriates evacuated for lack of security.
This puts the youth and other gangs like the Mombasa Republican Council on the same level as agents of insecurity.
Our security agencies should not allow this group to be our equivalent of Boko Haram in Nigeria.

It is easy to dismiss residents of Turkana for paralysing the activities of Tullow Oil Company, but they deserve a hearing. We may question their mode of airing grievances but their concerns are logical. These area residents should be the immediate beneficiaries and should never be ignored.

Fishermen on the shores of Lake Turkana

Fishermen on the shores of Lake Turkana
Kenya is a country teeming with good intentions that came to grief. An indifferent government and rich foreigners coming to help poor people they hardly understand, let alone care about, are some of the reasons development projects collapsed, the most spectacular being the Kalokol Fish Factory in Turkana County.
The laughable thing is, here was a multimillion-dollar factory being erected among a pastoral community to minimise, among other things, the vagaries of famine with a high protein, low-cholesterol fish diet. But the Turkana, proud of their cattle heritage, survived on meat, milk and blood. They boasted zero fishing history and actually looked pitiably down at those who ate fish, which they gave away. In fact, fish is the last resort   when a Turkana’s death is imminent.
 But hey! Lake Turkana  brimmed with the best Tilapia all year round. They called it ka’alakol, meaning lake with lots of fish, with 17, 000 tons as annual catch at the time. So, why not teach the Turkana how to fish? That way, it would be easy to domesticate them. They would stop wandering in the punishing heat of the Northern Frontier District. Best of all, how did the Turkana expect the government to build roads, schools and clinics besides delivering services yet they were never taxed?
A fish factory would inject a taxable cash economy and eliminate the cattle rustling menace that had dogged the region. The most generous donor country in the world, Norway, came on board through its international development arm, Norad. Norway donates nearly two per cent of Gross National  Product to specific Third World poorest countries. Norway is also the most knowledgeable in commercial fishing.  With its benevolence and expertise, the Turkana were to cream from the largesse via the Kalokol Fish Factory whose construction began in the mid-1970s up to 1981.
Blaine Harden writes in his 1993 effort, Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent that Norad jetted salaried experts and “20 fibre glass fishing boats, four motor boats and the Iji – a 36-foot research vessel, which was sailed from the North Sea and then trucked overland more than 700 miles to the lake.”

But a comedy of errors shortly ensued due to the “town people” mentality of overlooking local knowledge.  Or not doing thorough background research. If Norad had dug around  first, it would not have sunk $22 million (Sh1.8 billion at current exchange rates) into the Kalokol Fish Factory – which the Turkana later nicknamed “new mountain”. Lake Turkana dries every 30 years. Lodwar town has yellowing colonial data showing it had dried in 1924 and 1954. Nobody checked. The lake’s Fergusson’s Gulf, source of 80 per cent of the factory’s fish, dried when the 30-year cycle came calling in 1984! There were problems galore. Fillet,  the most viable way of exploiting Turkana fish, as Norad whizzes recommended,  required freezing from near 100 degrees heat to minus zero. Turkana lacked adequate clean water for the fillet freezers.
Kalokol Fish Factory used diesel-powered generators. And to transport the perishable fish to Nairobi, the Kalokol management soon realised there was no road!  Of Kalokol’s initial $2 million budget, a further $20 million was injected for road construction! The total expenses of running Kalokol Fish Factory were more than the fillet could swim in profits.
When the factory collapsed, the Turkana were left desolate. Harden termed the factory “Africa’s most handsome, most expensive dried fish warehouse”.

Agreements an answer to Tullow-Turkana woes

The stand-off between Tullow Oil Plc and the Turkana community in Northern Kenya is not just a shame; it is also a bad sign, a very bad tell tale sign of things to come. Remember, strictly speaking, all operations in the area are still exploratory. Your bet is as good as mine on what to expect once (if) limited production starts next year as projected.
The unfortunate incident of protest by locals expressing dissatisfaction with Tullow’s ‘failure’ to employ enough locals leading to the latter suspending its operations and evacuating its workers brings to fore serious issues relating to security, investment viability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment. Questions now abound on whether the Turkana region is secure enough to carry on the operations; whether the success prospect is worth the risk and of course whether the IOC is doing enough to meet the legitimate expectations of the local communities.
Much as such stalemates are not new to any oil and gas operations world over, I dare say they are avoidable if communities and operators are willing to make certain structured commitments and concessions. This has been done elsewhere through formalised social contracting tools known as an Impact Benefit Agreements (IBAs) or Benefit Sharing Agreements (BSAs).
Tullow’s operations (and all the other operations of oil companies) in Kenya is governed by a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) between it and the national government. A look at Clause 13 of Kenya’s standard PSC reveals that the Company is under an obligation to ‘employ Kenya citizens in the petroleum operations, and until expiry or termination of [the] contract, train those citizens’. Two things stand out in this provision.
The clause is non-specific on proportions and is grossly generic in speaking of Kenyan citizens and not necessarily ‘local communities; probably for a good cause. It follows therefore that even though Tullow has now come out and declared that in fact 57 per cent of her employees are from Turkana, there is strictly speaking no legal obligation on the company to source any given proportion of its work force from the local community.
That said, the company cannot run away from the reality that locals have legitimate expectations to have the lion’s share of jobs at the operations sites. Whilst such expectations might have no basis in law, Tullow knows better than to turn a blind eye to the grievances voiced. Tullow knows that irrespective of the safety it might find in statute or the PSC, it needs social acceptance of its operations in the area.
It must address itself to the demands of the Turkana people. Such conflicting interests exist in realms beyond what is provided for in law and must be looked at broadly as those affecting an international company’s stature as a responsible corporate citizen. Specifically Tullow by committing itself to the international (US and UK) Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights as adopted by companies in extractive and energy sectors has an enduring interest in pursuing an approach to the problem that addresses the root cause thereof (poverty, unemployment and lack of capacity) as opposed to a strict legal obligation. However there is the problem of ascertaining the scope of demands that the local communities might pose in proportion to what the company is genuinely capable of doing.
On the other hand as things stand there is no framework within which the local communities can negotiate, measure or quantify the impact benefits from the operations. The option adopted by industry players and communities in other countries in such circumstances is the use of IBAs and BSAs which are recognised by the united Nation’s Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as acceptable practice in resource benefit sharing.
An IBA is a written quasi-legal agreement that is the outcome of a consultation process about a proposed resource extraction, project or development that has the potential to impact the rights or interests of local communities. Though usually not required by law, it is a tool often used by companies in extractive industries to secure social acceptance of upstream projects and ensuring certainty in the demands of the local communities.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

2 MPs over suspension of oil search in Turkana

NAIROBI, KENYA: Two Members of Parliament from Turkana County have been summoned by CID for grilling over protests that happened in the area leading to the suspension of search for oil.

MPs James Lomenen ( Turkana South) and Nicholas Ngikor ( Turkana East) are wanted by detectives from CID headquarters in Nairobi for grilling over allegations of incitement.Â
CID boss Ndegwa Muhoro said the two have gone underground since Sunday and efforts to trace them are ongoing.Â
“We summoned them for questioning but they are yet to appear and we have sent teams to look for them. We have also sent reinforcement to the area to ensure business go on,” he said.Â
Muhoro added they are determined to ensure safety for the personnel at Tullow Oil Kenya, which announced significant oil finds that promise to be commercially viable.Â
The police boss said the MPs’ action amounts to incitement and hence they want to grill them for more information on the issue.Â
Officials on the ground said more police reinforcement had arrived with instructions to ensure no such demonstration occurs again.Â
This follows the weekend’s incident in which locals staged a protest demanding that they be employed at the company sites including Ngamia 1 and Twiga 1.
This led to its closure and evacuation of the staff hence halting the operations there.Â
The residents marched to the oil sites, demanding an explanation from Tullow officials on criteria the firm used to hire workers, issues on tendering and other issues that affect them.Â
Tullow said it had suspended its operations until the safety of their staff had been assured.
 “We are working with the central and county government to bring these demonstrations to a peaceful and orderly close as soon as possible.”Â
“ We have temporarily suspended our operations across Block 10BB and Block 13T in Turkana East and Turkana South sub-counties. The priority at the moment is to ensure the safety and security of our staff,” the firm said in a statement.Â

The company later announced it had sourced more than half of its employees from the region.
It said 800 of its 1,400 employees are from Turkana
“The Company is fully committed to utilising as many local workers and local services as possible and currently employs over 800 people from the Turkana region out of the 1,400 people currently employed on Tullow’s Kenyan operations.”Â
Tullow announced discovery of oil in Kenya last year after tests on Twiga-1 and Ngamia-1 confirmed the two wells had a potential of 250 million barrels of oil.

Turkana residents demonstrate on the streets

<a href='?searchtext=Turkana&searchbutton=SEARCH'> Turkana</a> residents demonstrate on the streets
                Turkana residents demonstrate on the streets


When former President Kibaki announced the discovery of oil in Turkana last year, residents received the news with joy. But the black gold is slowly turning into a curse.
Locals are now engrossed in a fight with Tullow Oil, the firm that discovered the oil, over land and oil proceeds. The British firm struck oil in Ngamia 1, Twiga 1 South Well, Ekale 1- Wildcat and Etuko oil well.
But locals feel they have been sidelined by the company in the sharing of oil proceeds. The community says Tullow operates without involving them. This has led to major conflicts, threatening to put the region into oil insurgency.
Earlier this year, a leaders’ forum held in Lodwar and attended by Interior Minister Joseph ole Lenku and his Energy counterpart Davis Chirchir, Tullow Oil officials and Turkana leaders failed to resolve the stalemate surrounding the conflicts.
The community demanded that Tullow Oil streamlines its operations by involving the community directly.
“We thought the discovery of oil would alleviate our suffering but now we have lost hope in oil. We have been sidelined by the oil exploration companies since they started oil exploration in the region’’, says Akure Lopeto, a pastoralist.
Ms Akure says they have lost a chunk of grazing land to oil exploration in the region, yet they have not been compensated.

Environmental degradation
However, the company says it has built a school, a health centre, a water project and offered scholarships to students locally and abroad.

Locals also claim oil exploration activities have caused a lot of harm to the environment. But oil experts say oil drilling do not take large chunks of land since the drilled hole is equivalent to the size of a plate.
Lodongiroi Lopusmong, a herder in Lokichar, accused Tullow Oil of “blindfolding” them by offering camels to villagers in exchange for land. Lopusmong said Tullow Oil officials went to the villagers with camels, which were handed over to the elders to feast on.

“They told us they had come to see us and that we can party with camel meat as they open dialogue about the land matters. We ate the camel meat but we did not agree to give them a portion of our land. We later realised they had fenced the place and settled to explore oil,” said Mr Lopusmong.
Several meetings held between local leaders and Tullow Oil to resolve the land stalemate bore no fruit, as the community refused to allow Tullow Oil to expand its drilling activities.
Locals pointed fingers at some local leaders claiming they had been compromised in a land deal to favour Tullow Oil. Turkana Governor Josephat Nanok castigated some leaders for “threatening to chase away investors from the region”.
Nanok had earlier said oil exploration activities in the region should not be interrupted since it is of economic benefit to the county and the entire country.
Suspended operations
“We appeal to local leaders not to incite the community to reject investors. We are blessed with oil resources and others which should be explored so that it uplifts the economic livelihood of the community,” he told a leaders’ forum.
Last weekend’s protest sparked a lot of anxiety after Tullow Oil suspended operation.
MPs James Lomenen ( Turkana South) and Nicholas Ng’ikor ( Turkana East) led locals in a protest march to an oil field, which led to the suspension of oil drilling in the region.
The leaders said Tullow Oil was short changing the community on jobs, tenders and vehicle hire contracts.  But in a statement through its associate PR firm African Practice, Tullow Oil said it  takes its relationship between them and the local communities seriously.
“Tullow takes its relationships with the local communities extremely seriously and the decision to suspend exploration and appraisal operations was taken to prevent further escalation of the demonstrations while discussions to resolve this issue for the long term are ongoing’’, read the statement.

The firm further said it is working closely with the local communities and county and national governments so that the company can resume work on Blocks 10BB and 13T as soon as possible.
According to the African Practice, Tullow Oil has employed over 800 locals out of the 1,400 employees it has in Kenya.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Westgate KDF looters names mentioned

After a series of denial statements,the army seems to have finally given in and owned up that to an extent looting was done.
In a press address Karangi the army boss released the names of the soldiers who had been caught with looted goods and sent to jail with dismissal from the force in effect.
At the same time Julius Karangi says there was no shootout between KDF soldiers and GSU Recce unit at Westgate, terms it a media creation.
Victor Otieno and Victor Ashiundu both were found guilty,dismissed from the service and jailed according to the army boss. The third, who is being probed, is Isaiah Wanjala.

Kenya MPs Sneaks In And Passes Legislation That Will Muzzle Journalists

Thursday evening when the attendance was less than 60% of the entire parliament composition but only 32 MPs available one law that threatens media freedom was passed.
The bill that will lead to the formation of a tribunal to deal with journalists who contravene the code of conduct on journalists. The tribunal will have the power to;
• Impose a fine of not more than Sh20 million on any respondent media enterprise… adjudged to have violated either that law or the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism.
•Fine individual journalists “not more than Sh1 million” for violating
the same code.
• Recommend the suspension or
removal from the register of the journalist involved.
• Power to make any orders it feels
would be necessary to carry into
effect the orders or directives it
would make.
• Organisation found to have
broken the law would be liable to
have his bank accounts raided or
their property sold off for
Jamleck Kamau and Aden Dualle were spearheading the campaign to see the bill passed. With only 32  MPs vote the career shuttering legislation was passed and now awaits the president's pen to become law.
Should this take effect,journalists especially investigative journalists would be constricted and muzzled since most of the work involves exposing  government's dirty deals.
The tribunal could as well be used to punish journalists whom the government or the legislators would see as "gross conduct"
Is this legislation right?

Thursday evening when the attendance was less than 60% of the entire parliament composition but only 32 MPs available one law that threatens media freedom was passed.
The bill that will lead to the formation of a tribunal to deal with journalists who contravene the code of conduct on journalists. The tribunal will have the power to;
• Impose a fine of not more than Sh20 million on any respondent media enterprise… adjudged to have violated either that law or the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism.
•Fine individual journalists “not more than Sh1 million” for violating
the same code.
• Recommend the suspension or
removal from the register of the journalist involved.
• Power to make any orders it feels
would be necessary to carry into
effect the orders or directives it
would make.
• Organisation found to have
broken the law would be liable to
have his bank accounts raided or
their property sold off for
Jamleck Kamau and Aden Dualle were spearheading the campaign to see the bill passed. With only 32  MPs vote the career shuttering legislation was passed and now awaits the president's pen to become law.
Should this take effect,journalists especially investigative journalists would be constricted and muzzled since most of the work involves exposing  government's dirty deals.
The tribunal could as well be used to punish journalists whom the government or the legislators would see as "gross conduct"
Is this legislation right?

UHURU KENYATTA Vs ICC Postpones His Case Opening To February

Uhuru Kenyatta's prayers to have his case opening forwarded to February has been answered. After Bensouda withdrawing objections and supporting Uhuru's plea,the judges have decided to postpone his case which was due to open in Nov 12th to February 5,2014. The announcement by ICC judges come hours before the UN Security Council make their stand on having Uhuru's case postponed.

PROPHET DR. DAVID OWUOR Accused Of Being A Dooms Prophet And A Devil Worshiper

Prophet Owuor is a man under siege or so I suppose,this is after his appearance as a guest on Jeff Koinange Live Show that left Kenyans more hungrier for the right answers than ever before. Its because of several mysteries surrounding him that made Jeff to approach him as the only guest for the one hour show to shed more lights into the darkening portfolio.
However from the general feel of public going by the comments,outrage is the theme,he steered off from giving Jeff direct answers. Example when asked if pastors should be armed as they had requested,he simply says the Lord will protect but the irony is as revealed by Nairobi Exposed,the prophet is one of the armed pastors in Kenya as of now.
Talking of security Prophet Owuor is the most armed pastor in Kenya with a presidential suite security fully backed with chase cars,ex servicemen security details making him to be having heaviest security than a normal governor in Kenya.
In the show,he revealed how he had foreseen the PEV of 2007/08 and stopped the possible violence in the previous general elections through prayers. He revealed also to have foretold the Westgate attack and even informed the police one year earlier before it happened.
Asked on wether Uhuru should attend ICC he replied that Kenya doesn't need ICC but repentance. He attributes the misfortunes Kenya is currently going through to being punishment from God due to lack of repentance.
His church give Sadaka [offerings] is not acceptable raising more questions as to how he manages to fund his lavish lifestyle,this also didn't get any direct workable answer.
The interview Drew different reactions and feelings and below is a preview of what Kenyans in these social media streets had to say on the man of God accusing him of being a dooms prophet and a devil worshiper.

Pastor In SHINYALU Fingering Female Worshipers In The Name Of Applying Anointing Oil

A pastor from Mutsyulo village in
Shinyalu is on the spotlight for uncommon way of giving his healing prayers. A youthful worshiper who fell a victim to his dirty trick approached Nairobi Exposed to put him on the radar.
The pastor in his early forties known as Pastor Josh has come up with a special way of healing barren women to be able to give birth. According to the surprised lady who is an NGO worker in the region "I visited him since me and my husband have been trying for about 7 years to have a child unsuccessfully,a colleague recommended him to me even giving me testimonies of those he had helped,due to my desperation state o didn't think twice"
According to details received,the pastor handles all barrenness issues in his office where he conducts the "holy touching" as the lady reveals to NE,"so we are in his office where I had booked an appointment and women were lined up,he is on demand making one trust him,what was surprising he insisted that I should remove my dress because he had to give me the holy touch and put anointing oil on my private parts" Sensing the lady was hesitant and was drawing back,"mafuta ntaupaka kwenye sehemu zako nyeti ukitoka hapa ufanye mapenzi na mumeo mimba utapata bila shaka,don't be afraid,it has worked on many[ I will apply the anointing oil on your private parts,if you go home from here and make love with your husband,you'll instantly conceive]" said pastor josh to the lady.
Having convinced her and as they say desperate times and desperate measures,she eventually gave in  "he started by applying that oil on my breasts while murmuring some prayers in a language I didn't know,he fondled and did all that with them then went down rubbing the oil between my thighs then to my private part and there the prayers got louder. He rubbed the oil inserting his fingers in,this went for about 5 minutes and eventually stopped" said the lady to NE.
After performing his ritual prayers,the lady was told to dress on and leave with a promise of conceiving,she was told to report back to the church with pregnancy test results within three Weeks. As at the time of revealing the story,it was only a week after the prayers and followed all the instructions given,so the outcome can't be verified but will keep you updated. The "anointing" pastor.

Exposing Drivers And Touts Of Umoinner Sacco SHOCKING Revelations

Chilling details are now emerging from the deadly bus-train crash that happened during the week claiming 11 lives. The accident that involved an Umoinner Sacco bus and a train has raised more questions than answers with more blame fingers pointing at the driver and tout for negligence.
Nairobi Exposed has pursued the link to find out the answers from the ground. Professionalism has been a contagious issue and according to initial survey most of the bus drivers attached to this company lacks professional skills.
A driver to one of the buses talking on anonymity basis reveals to NE shocking revelations how him and many others got to join the company,"me like most people I started off as a tout along the way learnt how to drive,with time I graduated to a full driver and i'm good at it no question about it" reveals the driver to NE.
According to James Shawn* a resident in Umoja and acquainted with the operations of Umoinner Sacco,most of the drivers never get to attend driving schools,they only learn it along the way then bribe for a driving licence,"these guys never attend driving schools maybe not all but I know of 16 I personally know and can tell that they never stepped on any driving school but they are driving now" says Shawn.
Umoinner Sacco is said to own a fleet of over 100 PSVs and served 80%+ of the Eastlands population making it a major source of employment to the youths. It pays over 200 workers including drivers and touts.
But with those in the official payroll there are also those who get to net out in between.
Back to the question of professionalism,Shawn gives what he describes as the life circle of Umoinner Sacco Drivers," most of them are either school dropouts,former streets urchins,unemployed youths so when they join in the first stage is by becoming a  makanga [tout] in the stage,next you graduate to a squad makanga,Next stage you graduate to a full Makanga,at this point one gets to learn basic driving skills then become a squads
Driver,you are allowed to take the bus over short distances or to and from town and leave it to the next to take over,by now the licence had been bought already,comes at a very cheap price less than sh.10k,after operating as squads driver,you get the ultimate graduation,off to a full umoinner driver" he reveals to NE.
So there you have a driver who never stepped on any class but can drive. Some like the feted driver lacks basic skills for example ge should have known that when the train is nearing,its magnetic magnitude goes high and will pull any metal that comes into contact,matter of fact it is because of this that the bus failed to start and stopped at the middle of the train line the metals beneath had been attracted interfering with the engine system.
It has been said that most of the drivers and touts drink and smoke marijuana,in fact the feted driver is said to have "charged" his head just moments before jumping on the pedal.
"yes we do smoke and drink,that is just a routine,ask yourself why bars and spirits shops are located near these stages,weed suppliers are also freely available. This job needs you to stay hyper and that's it" a squad driver reveals to NE.
True to the words wines and spirits shops are thronged around Mutindwa market,making access to them super easy and quick. Khat a common stimulant is also very common with the touts here,not only the Umoinner's but most Eastlands' and you won't Miss to spot the crew members heavily chewing miraa.
What is evident in this whole scenario,most of the drivers could possibly be lacking professional skills,alcohol and drugs abuse is a nuisance,most of the drivers and touts are ever under influence putting the lives of passengers under risk.

KEMBOI Bribed Lover With Sh.4Million And A Two-Week DUBAI TRIP To Drop Assault Case

Throwback 28th June,2012 the world woke up to the news that medal winning athlete Ezekiel Kemboi had stabbed his lover Ann Njeri Otieno. According to revelations by the lady,her and Kemboi had gone out drinking at a club in Eldoret and demanded s3xual favours when he drove her home.
Just at her home gate,Kemboi locked the car and demanded to have s3x with the lady and she was unwilling so as she was opening the gate,Kemboi stabbed her on the chest.
She filled an assault case on Kemboi but mysteriously dropped the case now The Nairobian has revealed what happened behind scenes leading to the lady dropping the case.
“Kemboi paid me over Sh4 million to drop the case. He also threw in a two-week trip to Dubai,” Njeri told The Nairobian.
“We had a thing. We had been friends for a while and eventually became very close until we broke up after the incident. We reconciled
but eventually broke it off when it became obvious that we had completely opposite
Njeri,by the time owned an eatery in Eldoret where the relationship with the athlete sparked. She confess to the Nairobian,“I could have married Kemboi but I felt I would not have a special place in his heart because he is so busy. If I became his wife, I doubt he would have had time for me,”
Kemboi already married to two wives. She might be having knife wounds but in her bank account she has sh.4m and had a trip to Dubai. She got stabbed to millions.