Monday, 28 October 2013

Scandals of the Two legislatures

The storm seemed to have come to an end but as the newest developments have it,the drama unravels.
Nak3d photos of the two legislatures had already been leaked into the internet causing an uproar across the divide.
Mike Sonko half of the scandalous duo has come out defiant claiming the photos doing rounds are as a result of Photoshop manipulations.
But as he  transverse the media cleaning out his name,Fix Soshe,the anonymous group that held custody the alleged pictures have come out and released another set of pictures to disapprove Sonko's claims that they released photos were Photoshoped. Check photos below
New day new pictures,as they continue to come so does the truth continue to unravel. Sonko who is seen largely as the whistle blower is out to prove a point and that he has nothing to lose.
In our custody we have unprintable photos of the women rep showing her private parts,at the end of the day not all gets to the air,meanwhile you could swim to (@nairobiexposed) on Twitter there are couple exclusive pics there.
What's clear as the pictures below will tell,the two were romantically involved and this a case of love gone sour. The better days passed the worst days with private intimate photos being leaked are here.
Both are married to mean they were having illicit affairs,here are those good old days moments
Just when you thought you have seen enough,a new one comes in. on Tuesday the Nairobi women representative Rachael Shebesh had her private photos leaked while performing oral action on someone which now turns out to be Nairobi senator Mike Sonko.
Another picture has surfaced online of both the legislatures having intimate times in a hotel bed. Shebesh is seen taking a nap while Sonko is smiling at the camera going to hint that he took the photos himself and were in his phone.
What more can we say about these two
Seems like troubles won't be leaving her out anytime soon,just when one scandal was down another out.
These pictures are doing rounds on the social media sets and its not clear from whom the originator was. It can be seen Shebesh in an hotel bed and in the last photo performing some oral action on the man in hiding.

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